Faith Chat!
Leaders of the Church of the Living God fellowship love to talk about the bible! This page presents a series of blogs on various biblical topics, scriptures, and doctrine. We welcome your comments and questions. The bible teaches us that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, an dfor instruction in righteousness. 2Timothy 3:16
In Me You Might Have Peace!
by: Derrick Ford
In John 16:33.- Jesus said to His disciples, "In Me, You Might Have Peace." These words were comforting to a group of men who felt the future was uncertain. This was because Jesus knew they would be fearful of the future without Him. He further explained their plight in the world but contrasted that with the assurance that He can give them peace. The words of Jesus are timeless, they do not only comfort the disciples, but they serve to comfort us today. I hear so many more
Do you have a burning question?
by: Dana Burnett
People hear the gospel, believe it, and then start their journey of faith! Along the way, we have many questions about what aligns with the kingdom of God and most importantly, how to please God here and now. Do you have questions? Let us know. more